Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Trip to AGP Minneapolis Tomorrow


I'm sorry this is a late update but tommorrow (July 9th) Rylee from Picture Perfect AG and I are going to be going to the AGP Minneapolis tommorow. If you would like to meet up with Rylee and I leave a comment and we can set a time and place! Hope to see you there!

P.S. There is going to be a Truly Me giveaway at the AGP Minneapolis! (while suplies last)

 - Jessica


  1. aww, i really wish i could come! i'd kill to meet you two. sadly i have plans (not to mention i'll be wicked tired from my band practices these past few days) and live relatively far away, but i wish you guys the best time! say hello to rylee for me. ;)


  2. Aww! I wish I could go but I just went there last week! What are they giving away?! :)

  3. My thoughts are the same as Maddie and Kaitlyn's--I really would love to come! It would be so incredible to meet you two, but we won't be in the area until next week when we go to visit my grandma who lives nearby :( Please also say hello to Rylee for me! ;)
    ♥ Shelby

    1. Rylee asked me to tell you that she says hello too.

  4. I would so love to come, except I'm nowhere near Minneapolis. ;) Have a wonderful time, and say hello to Rylee for me! :)

  5. Hey Jessica Rae! You were nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, here:

    Allie D.

  6. Awesome I went there in November
