You may be wondering why I haven't posted in a very long time. The answer to that is that I was on vacation. Felicity came with me. We went on a road trip out west to North and South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. Here are some pictures of our trip.
Painted Canyon, North Dakota |
Rock Climbing, Montana |
That's a long ways down!, Montana |
ROCKS, Montana |
Yellowstone "Lower Falls", Montana |
This is a nice place to sit, Montana |
Big tree, Montana |
Log, Montana |
Another log, Montana |
Cool stump, Montana |
Grand Tetons wildflowers, Wyoming |
More flowers, Wyoming |
Sunshine!, South Dakota |
BIG stump, South Dakota |
Rock Wall, South Dakota |
Okay, so the three main places that we traveled to were Yellowstone National Park, Grand Tetons National Park, and Mount Rushmore. Though you may not believe me, based on these pictures, but it was very cold on our trip, for 4 days it did not get above 50 degrees. It rained, hailed, and SNOWED! So, we built a snowman of course! It was very fun vacation.
Have you gone on a summer vacation?
- Jessica
i guess your's was more a winter vacation, huh? haha looks like you had fun! great pictures!
Yeah, haha. It did get warm the last day though, thanks.