
Friday, December 13, 2013

Blog Kick-Off!

Hello, Welcome to Darling Dolls!

My name is Jessica and I am 14 years old. I believe that you can never be to old to love dolls. I always say I am just young at heart.I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a little while, and I finally did! (Yay!) This blog is a combination of my 2 hobbies: American girl dolls and crafts. As well as doll hairstyles, fashion, photostories and so much more! I have 4 darling American Girl Dolls: Felicity, Lilly (MAG#17), Rachel (MAG#31), and Hailey (MAG#25)

I hope you will be able to find some fun craft ideas as well as some doll play inspiration here. Thanks for checking out Darling Dolls!

- Jessica


  1. very nice start=) One thing that i heard helped get a lot a attention in blogging was changing the look of your blog a lot and post very consistently.( which you are doing!!!) Another thing I loved about doll blogs when I was into dolls was, a lot of DIY projects! Im not saying you have to do these things but those are just two suggestions that I have!
    Hope to see you soon!

  2. You started this blog on my birthday :)
