
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

You're A Great Photographer Award

Hey, Here is an award I received:

The Rules:
1. Nominate 3-7 blogs for this award and make a link to the blog.
2. If you are nominated, give 1 of your photography tips and answer the questions given.
3. Go comment on a post of the person you nominated letting them know they were nominated.
4. Copy the picture below on your post.
5. Link your post back to the original post.
6. Add the picture to your tool bar or page.
7. Copy these rules onto your post.
8. Have fun! 

Photography tip: Lighting is the key! Aim for bright pictures try to always take pictures in places with lots of natural light if possible. The pictures don't have to be all sunshine-y depending on the theme of your photo shoot, but dark and shadowy pictures are normally not attractive. 

1.) What camera do you use? I use a Nikon D80, it is an old camera of my dad's. Well it really isn't old, he just upgraded. 
2.) Which one of your dolls is the most photogenic? Probably Hailey. At least, that is what I am told.
3.) Do you like indoor or outdoor photography better? Absolutely outdoors. The lighting is oh so much better than in my house, and the scenery is always changing with the seasons!
 4.) Which season is your favorite to take photos of your dolls? I really like summer because I love to take pictures of my dolls in our garden. Especially by the roses!

Thank you so much to Polka Dot Bee for nominating me!

My questions are the same. 
I am nominating:

The Dolls of Maple Street, Abigail
Girly Doll Type, Megan
Alone in Doll World

 - Jessica

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Huge Surprise!!!

I have something very exciting to tell you all:
As you may or may not have noticed, my dolls didn't get any Christmas presents, not one. This is because I have a huge surprise for them that hasn't arrived until now.
Leave a comment guessing what this wonderful surprise is, if you guess it right, I'll give your blog / you a shout-out on my reveal post!
If nobody guesses right by Feb. 1st I will have a "Clues" post.
Happy Guessing!
 - Jessica

Monday, January 19, 2015

Hair clips from AG

Remember a few months ago when I posted "An Issue With BeForever Outfits"? Anyways, you can read that post for a more in depth explanation but here is the short story: I got 2 BeForever outfits that were advertised to come with a hair clip, but they really weren't supposed to, but AG said they would send them to me anyways in 4-6 months.
So, December 29th was 4 months so we called AG and they said they they could send one and the other was in short supply so they didn't know. When I got home form the AGP Minneapolis on January 3rd. I got a package from them! Here are pictures of me opening them:

Yes, there is a doll sized menu covering up my address.

Yay! Both hair clips came!

I'm so happy to have these after 4 months of waiting!

Sorry that I haven't been posting recently, I have finals next week so I have been preoccupied. 
 - Jessica

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Look, Updates & Poll Results

As you may have noticed, this blog looks quite a bit different! I'm not sure if I love it, but for now, it is what it is. Tell me what you think and what you would change.
If you like my header, make sure to grab my matching button. My profile picture will probably be changed to match too.

Now for Poll Results.
The question to our most recent poll was: What do you want for Christmas?
The winner was : American Girl Items

Everyone voted for this except one person!
Please take my new poll regarding GOTY Grace's Bakery Items!

 - Jessica

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My New Dolls Names (You Picked!)

Here are the votes for the names:

For Molly:          For Addy:
Mallory -  9          Andrea - 2
Mollyanne - 4        Addison - 9
Melissa - 4           Adalynn - 8

So the winners are:
Mallory and Addison!

 Mallory Abigail McIntyre


Addison Jane Walker

Check out there profiles under the "My Darling Dolls Tab!
 - Jessica

Sunday, January 4, 2015

What I Got At The AGP (January 2015)

I didn't get much at the AGP because I just got 2 dolls so my wallet is pretty tiny. Anyways, I was planning on getting Grace's travel coat but I decided on  got Grace's Baking Outfit. I'm glad I did because it is so cute! I love the shirt especially. I also got the Sparkly Hair Pick for Addy's hair. Plus got the giveaway and the prizes for the scavenger hunt and the luggage tag craft. Since my little sister came with me, I ended up with 2 of everything (except the luggage tag craft.) Here are pictures:

Luggage Tag Craft, AG Catalogs, 
Doll Sized Posters, Doll Sized Passports
Doll Sized French Menus, Doll Sized Luggage Keys, 
Doll Sized Postcards, Doll Sized Aprons and Envelopes

Grace's Baking Outfit and Sparkly Hair Pick

Out of Packaging

I LOVE it!

These cuties are sporting their new aprons for you!
 - Jessica

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Grace Thomas at AGP Minneapolis!

Hey Everyone,
I went to the American Girl Place Minneapolis to check out Grace's collection! Here are some of the pictures I took: 

Grace in her Meet Outfit
Grace's Welcome Gifts
Grace's French Bulldog (Bonbon)

Grace's Pajamas
Grace's French Bulldog (Bonbon)

Grace's Opening-Night Outfit
Grace's Pastry Cart

Grace's Travel Coat
Grace's Travel Set

Grace's City Outfit
Grace's Paris Accessories
Grace's French Bulldog (Bonbon)

Grace's Baking Set

Grace's Travel Set

Grace's Baking Outfit
Grace's Bistro Set
Grace's French Bakery

Grace's Meet Outfit & Pretty Beret for Girls 

Grace's City Outfit & Purse for Girls

Sorry about the lighting
Package available in the Bistro
Look at that shirt - Cute!

Leopard Pj's 

Pizza Party Set

Blokus Game

I'll show you what I got tomorrow!
 - Jessica